Tackling Fruit Fly In Sunraysia

Monday 9 July 2018

The Andrews Labor Government continues to back the fight against Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) in the Sunraysia region, through the second round of funding under the Managing Fruit Fly – Regional Action Plan Grants Program.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford announced $348,490 for the Greater Sunraysia Pest Free Area Industry Development Committee for fruit fly management activities.

The grant will help the Committee continue operations to the end of its term in December, and roll out initiatives that align with the Managing fruit fly in Victoria Action Plan and Regional Action Plan in the Greater Sunraysia area.

The Labor Government is encouraging all citrus, stone fruit and table grape growers to continue supporting the Committee’s planned fruit fly management activities.

The Labor Government will continue to support and work with growers in the region, with discussions underway with industry around the prospect of a petition for a new vote and industry development order.

The second round of the Regional Action Plan Grants is a part of the Government’s larger $6.7 million Managing Fruit Fly – Regional Grants Program.

The program supports a coordinated and collaborative approach to fruit fly management in Victoria, with a special focus on projects that contribute to protecting local horticultural industries.

Since the grants program started last year, significant progress has been made in QFF management at a regional level in the Goulburn Murray Valley, Greater Sunraysia and Yarra Valley.

This has involved extensive community engagement and coordinated control programs including host tree removal, trapping, workshops and advertising campaigns.

The full details of all the Managing Fruit Fly Grants allocated across Victoria will be released in the coming weeks.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Queensland Fruit Fly is a serious pest and needs a collaborative approach to reduce its impact on the state’s horticultural industries, which are worth $1.1 billion to Victoria’s export economy.” 

“Unlike the former Liberal Government, we haven’t walked away from this issue and we won’t walk away from the growers of Sunraysia.”

“Managing fruit fly is everyone’s responsibility and these grants enable industry and the community to take ownership of fruit fly control in their region.”