Supporting Newly Arrived Families With Playgroups

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Families new to Victoria will be able to take their children to culturally supported playgroups, allowing them to feel more at home in their new community, thanks to new Andrews Labor Government funding.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Richard Wynne today announced $490,000 for the Victorian Coooperative on Children’s Services for Ethnic Groups (VICSEG) to expand their successful Supported Playgroups program.

The playgroups cater to families of different cultural backgrounds, giving them the confidence and security of attending a welcoming play environment.

Playgroups are important in developing a child’s social skills, emotional functioning and support the transition to new learning environments, like kinder or school.

Parents also benefit from socialising with other mums and dads and fostering quality parent-child connections, such as shared book reading, under the guidance of trained facilitators.

The program has already been running in five areas across northern and western Melbourne, with dozens of families taking part.

VICSEG’s integrated model provides group support and ongoing learning in education and employment for parents and children from the time they arrive in Australia.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Richard Wynne

“We want all families in Victoria to have the support they need to raise happy and healthy kids – and for families just arrived in the State, that sometimes means an extra helping hand.”

“These Supported Playgroups have already proven to be a huge success – helping kids learn, play and have fun, while also supporting mums and dads with their parenting and helping them feel more a part of their community.”

“It’s wonderful to know that more families will now be able to access this service.”