Supporting Multicultural Communities Across Victoria

Tuesday 28 June 2022

The Andrews Labor Government is ensuring multicultural communities that have been most impacted by the coronavirus pandemic across the state continue to get the support they need.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence today announced 70 multicultural community organisations will share $3.45 million in funding so they can continue to support immediate health response needs.

The grants will support community organisations to provide emergency food relief, easier access to mental health and wellbeing services and activities to reduce social isolation.

The funding comes as part of the fourth round of the Priority Response to Multicultural Communities program, which was announced in 2020 to support groups throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

It will see the Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition receive funding to deliver a suite of interlinked support activities covering emergency relief, translation of essential health information and access to mental health and wellbeing services, as well as prevention education and mentoring programs.

The Spanish Latin American Welfare Centre will benefit from funding to facilitate culturally appropriate dance, singing and music workshops for seniors to promote mental health outcomes and social connection.

Other groups to receive funding include Alevi Community Council of Australia to facilitate digital literacy sessions for seniors, community engagement initiatives and provide Turkish communities with emergency relief essentials, - as well as Arabic Welfare to deliver food and emergency relief services, mental health support and translation services for Arabic speakers in Melbourne.

More than $23 million has been provided through the Priority Response to Multicultural Communities program since 2020, supporting more than 340 community organisations and more than 500,000 Victorians. 

The program continues to strengthen and build partnerships and capacity across the Victorian multicultural sector, increase social inclusion and encourage participation in Victoria’s economic recovery. 

Further information can be found online at:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence

“We’re ensuring multicultural communities in Victoria continue to receive the support they need and deserve through this funding, which is being delivered as part of the Priority Response to Multicultural Communities program.”

“We’ve already provided millions to support our multicultural communities throughout the coronavirus pandemic, and now we’re delivering even more to strengthen these communities and build their networks.”

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