South West Short-Changed By Liberals

Wednesday 10 May 2017

The Sydney-centric Turnbull Government has gutted the biggest package regional rail upgrade in Victoria’s history, and abandoned the $100 million upgrade of the Warrnambool line.

Last night’s Federal Budget pours money into projects for Sydney, while the Turnbull Government continues to rip off regional Victoria.

The Andrews Labor Government recently announced it would use the $1.46 billion it is owed through the Asset Recycling Initiative to run faster trains, more often to Warrnambool.

The Liberals’ budget removes every cent of that money, meaning passengers in the South West will not get the better services they need and deserve.

The massive funding cut is a huge kick in the guts for the local community who need the improved infrastructure and extra services that this upgrade brings.

While Sydney was the big winner in the Liberals budget, Victoria’s share of infrastructure funding remains at less than 10 per cent, a massive shortfall compared to our population share of 25 per cent.

At the same time as ripping off Victorians, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has confirmed he will fully fund a new $5.3 billion airport and a train line to it in Sydney, alongside the state receiving their full $2.2 billion allocation for projects of their choice under the Asset Recycling Initiative.

Once again the Liberals Federal Member for Wannon Dan Tehan, has failed the local community and the people he is supposed to represent.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan

“Once again Malcolm Turnbull and his Sydney-centric government is ripping off Victorians and our regional communities are today paying the price.”

“Malcolm Turnbull has gutted the biggest package of regional rail upgrades in Victoria’s history and is instead spending it on a new airport in Sydney.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“This budget fails the South West. It rips even more funding out of regional rail and hurts local passengers.”

“It’s clear that Dan Tehan’s petition was nothing more than a stunt – he’s stood by and watched as the Turnbull Government has gutted the biggest regional rail upgrade in Victoria’s history.”