Social Cohesion Strengthened In Hume

Monday 23 March 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is investing $100,000 towards locally-designed social cohesion initiatives in the City of Hume region.

These initiatives will be delivered by Banksia Gardens Community Services, in collaboration with the City of Hume, Hume Interfaith Network, the Australian Turkish Institute and other local organisations.

The grant will support the delivery of:

  • Intercultural mediator training for a cohort of local young people from diverse backgrounds to equip them to support their peers in having difficult conversations and dealing with challenges associated with diversity;
  • A forum for young people about issues related to the Australian democratic system and way of life, diversity and social cohesion with the aim of identifying common ground around issues such as racism and religious freedom;
  • A series of consultative forums and workshops run by the Hume Interfaith Network with young people to understand the interests and needs of young people in Hume and how the Hume Interfaith Network can work with them; and
  • A girls’ soccer program for young women living in the Coolaroo West area, which will develop the capability of participants to organise and sustain sports activities themselves.

The Labor Government has pledged a total of $500,000 for programs like this around Victoria, in order to strengthen social cohesion in a number of local government areas across the state.

Funding will increase the participation of a broad range of community members in their local community; build new connections between Victorians of different backgrounds; increase understanding and appreciation of diversity and strengthen community resilience.

Quotes from Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott

“The City of Hume is a great example of multicultural success, with more than 30% of residents having been born overseas.”

“Multiculturalism is one of Victoria’s strongest assets, and we can all be proud of our cultural diversity.”

“There is a long-standing bipartisan and state-wide commitment to multiculturalism in Victoria, which places us in a strong position to respond to and overcome challenges to our social cohesion.”