Sleeper Replacement To Increase Speeds On Bendigo Line

Friday 12 August 2022

Work will commence in coming weeks to replace more than 50,000 wood sleepers with concrete sleepers on the Bendigo line between Sunbury and Kyneton.

The works are the last to be completed as part of a long running program of track improvements which will soon allow trains to run at speeds of up to 130 km/h through the busy section of track.

V/Line will complete more than $15 million in works to convert all sleepers in the section to concrete, allowing the track classification to be lifted, increasing the maximum speed which trains can travel by 15 km/h.

The faster speeds will allow trains to recover more quickly from minor delays, while the new sleepers will also increase the resilience and longevity of the track, reducing the risk of disruptions caused by infrastructure faults.

Works will commence in August, with crews taking advantage of pre-scheduled works on other parts of the line to complete daytime works between 13 and 23 August, followed by a series of 10-day blocks of night works to complete the replacements between Sunbury and Kyneton.

More than 70 staff and 25 pieces of track machinery will flood the line each night in order to complete the works as efficiently and safely as possible, minimising disruption to passengers.

Coaches will replace some trains on nights where crews are working and select trains will run over the works area at slower than normal speeds immediately following the works as a safety precaution and to allow the newly-installed sleepers to bed down.

Passengers are encouraged to check the V/Line website closer to the start of the works for more information and to plan their journey.

Quote attributable to Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll

“We’re committed to providing a high-quality regional rail network, and ensuring passengers have a safe, reliable and comfortable experience.”

Quote attributable to Member for Bendigo East Jacinta Allan

“The new sleepers will increase the resilience and longevity of the track, reducing the risk of disruptions caused by infrastructure faults.”

Quote attributable to Member for Bendigo West Maree Edwards

“These works will help future-proof the Bendigo line by increasing the resilience and life-span of the rail infrastructure and allowing trains to reach faster speeds.”

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