Skills First: Real Training For Real Jobs

Friday 26 August 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will overhaul Victoria’s training and TAFE system, guaranteeing funding to secure the future of TAFE, quality training, and making sure Victorians have the right skills for the jobs of the future.

Building on the work the Labor Government has already done, Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert today outlined the promised changes to fix training and TAFE in Victoria.

Skills First will result in a high quality, stable system that restores the confidence of students, employers and industry.

The reforms will feature:

  • a more managed and focused training and TAFE system, with only providers who meet high standards getting government funded contracts
  • a clearer industry voice where training funded by government ensures students don’t waste their time or money on courses that rarely lead to a job.

Students and industry will still be able to choose between TAFEs, dual sector universities, community and quality private training providers for government-funded training.

Starting with an extra $114 million in 2017, TAFEs will receive increased funding every year to help Victorians, regardless of their background or postcode, access real training for real jobs.

In addition, training providers will have access to targeted funding streams. In 2017, that includes $30 million for a Regional and Specialist Training fund, $20 million to support high needs learners and a $40 million Workforce Training Innovation Fund – promoting innovative training and skills in emerging and priority industries.

The reformed system – which will be introduced progressively from January 2017 – follows last year’s response to the independent VET Funding Review led by Bruce Mackenzie.

The Government inherited a training and TAFE system where confidence was at an all time low, TAFE campuses were being closed and institutes were on the brink of financial collapse. Too many courses were being delivered which rarely led to better productivity for industry or a job for students.

That’s why the Labor Government has invested heavily in TAFEs, including the $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund and our $50 million TAFE Back to Work Fund.

The Government has also cracked down on dodgy providers, with a quality blitz and tough new training contracts brought in last year helping to restore confidence, with $40 million in taxpayer money identified for recovery.

For more details on the new system, go to

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“A strong and stable training and TAFE system is so important to building industry capability and developing Victoria’s current and future workforce.”

“With Skills First we’re making sure Victorian students have access to real training that will lead to a real job so they don’t waste their time and money on courses that won’t get them employment.”