Shaping Victoria’s Growing Social Enterprise Sector

Friday 30 October 2020

The Victorian Government is getting on with growing the state’s social enterprise sector, inviting a reference group to work with Government on the next iteration of the Social Enterprise Strategy.

Parliamentary Secretary for Jobs Jane Garrett will lead the development of the new strategy to be released in mid-2021.

Australia’s first-ever Social Enterprise Strategy was launched by the Victorian Government in 2017 and has played a significant role in growing and strengthening the sector, with the current strategy set to lapse in June 2021.

The strategy has focused on building the capacity and skills of the sector, increasing impact and innovation and improving market access through initiatives like the Government’s Social Procurement Framework.

Victoria’s next social enterprise strategy will build on this foundational work to further develop the unique contributions that social enterprises make to the Victorian community.

There are approximately 4,000 social enterprises located across Victoria, contributing over $5.2 billion annually to the economy and employing tens of thousands of people across the state. More than 70 per cent of social enterprises in Victoria operate as small businesses in service industries in their communities.

The Social Enterprise Strategy Reference Group will oversee consultation with the sector, providing expert advice and direction on the development of the renewed strategy. The group will meet for the first time in early November 2020.

Working with the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) and Victoria’s social enterprise sector, the Reference Group is tasked with ensuring a whole-of-sector perspective is represented in the renewed strategy to reflect current and future needs.

The Reference Group will include leaders from key industry organisations including Social Traders, Social Ventures Australia (SVA), Social Enterprise Network Victoria (SENVIC), Australian Centre for Rural Entrepreneurship (ACRE), STREAT, CERES, YLab, Swinburne University’s Centre for Social Impact, RMIT University, Sefa, Westpac Foundation and Think Impact.

The sector-wide consultation process will remain open until 31 October 2020 with social enterprises and sector stakeholders across the state encouraged to participate.

For more information and to have your say, go to

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Jobs Jane Garrett

“We’re building a fairer and more inclusive economy that benefits all Victorians, and social enterprises are vital to achieving that goal.”

I’m looking forward to working in partnership with sector leaders from across the state to continue strengthening an already thriving sector that contributes so much to Victorian communities.”

201030 - Shaping Victoria’s Growing Social Enterprise Sector.pdf
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