Setting A Roadmap For Growth In Our Barwon Region

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Barwon locals will come together tonight with Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford to discuss and debate the region’s top priorities at its first Regional Assembly, to be held in Torquay.

The Regional Assembly is the next step in the Barwon Regional Partnership’s engagement with community, industry and government – providing an opportunity to flesh out ideas about what the region needs most.

In the lead up to the Assembly, the Barwon Partnership posed questions to locals through its new website, generating hundreds of ideas.

People identified enabling young people with training and education as the top priority for the region, followed by ensuring a fair, safe and healthy community, with transforming our regions for the future also rating highly.

Members of the community and industry will join local council and government representatives at the Assembly for a discussion about the region’s most pressing priorities and to set out a roadmap on how to achieve them.

The Assembly will be an annual event that plays a key role in the new regional governance model, and allows each Regional Partnership to consult on regional priorities before directing them to the heart of the Andrews Labor  Government.

Following the Assembly, a summary of the outcomes, ideas and recommendations will be published online, and Regional Partnership Chair Kylie Warne will brief the Rural and Regional Ministerial Committee on priorities for the region.

Each of Victoria’s nine Regional Partnerships will hold an Assembly before the end of the year. Regional Victorians are encouraged to have their say about what matters to them at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“The future of the Barwon region deserves a robust conversation that clearly sets a roadmap for growth. Education and training for young people and transforming our industries are key to achieving this vision.”

“We’re here to listen and we want to build on the  good work that’s already been done. This is a real chance for the region to deliver their ideas straight into the heart of government decision making.”

Quote attributable to Barwon Regional Partnership Chair Kylie Warne

“The Regional Assembly continues the process of reaffirming priorities for the Barwon region to inform government and deliver clear social, economic and environmental outcomes for the area.”