Saving Lives In Whittlesea Through Suicide Prevention

Wednesday 24 August 2016

The Whittlesea community will be part of an innovative localised program aiming to halve the rate of suicide across Victoria.

Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today joined Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green to detail the local initiative of the Andrews Labor Government’s Suicide Prevention Framework, which is backed by a $27 million investment over four-years for a range of suicide prevention measures across the state.

Support will be provided for people who have attempted suicide in six locations throughout Victoria and six communities will work to implement local strategies.

Whittlesea has a diverse population of people, including identified risk groups, but also has a strongly engaged community, making it an ideal location to commence this community based program.

Whittlesea will now begin creating and implementing local strategies such as workforce training, school-based support and mental health literacy programs.

The Suicide Prevention Framework will also see intensive community based support trials for people who have attempted suicide in the six locations throughout Victoria.

The trial locations were selected based on the prevalence of suicide in Victoria, population and community demographics, as well as local capacity.

More information on the trials can be found at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley

“In 2014 alone, we lost 646 Victorians to suicide – that’s twice as many lives as our road toll.”

“For every suicide – there are many more people deeply affected – we will now work hard with the Whittlesea community to save lives.”

Quote attributable to Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green

"As individuals and as a community there is more we can do to save lives from suicide. I hope what we create in Whittlesea is effective and we can use it to improve mental health outcomes across the state."