Right People For Country Seeking Expressions Of Interest

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins has today called on Victorian Traditional Owner groups to submit an Expression of Interest for the Right People for Country program.

The Right People for Country program provides support to Traditional Owner groups in applying to be a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) and to negotiate settlements under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 and Native Title Act 1993.

The Right People for Country program can assist in reaching agreements on boundaries and representation, and offers support tailored to the needs of each group, including access to independent facilitators, skills training and support to visit and map country.

Included under the Victorian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Strategy, the Labor Government has allocated $500,000 for the program, part of a record $20.9 million investment to help fund the work of Aboriginal Victorians in protecting cultural heritage and connection to the land.

Information workshops will be held across Victoria over the next eight weeks to enable Traditional Owners to hear from other Traditional Owners who have participated in the program.

The closing date for Expressions of Interest is 30 October 2015. For more information please visit www.dpc.vic.gov.au/rightpeopleforcountry(opens in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“Registered Aboriginal Parties, Traditional Owner Settlement and Native Title all recognise and ensure the voices of Traditional Owners remain at the centre of decision-making."

“The Right People for Country program can provide Victorian Traditional Owner groups with support to reach these agreements and ensure Traditional Owners are at the forefront of the protection and management of their cultural heritage.”

“There are currently ten Registered Aboriginal Parties in Victoria and we are committed to seeing the entire state represented by its Traditional Owners. This program is integral to realising that objective and supporting self-determination."