Reopening of Swinburne Lilydale

Sunday 16 November 2014

The State Government has committed $10 million to reopen Swinburne Lilydale and is in talks with Box Hill Institute about plans to move in.

Visiting the site on 16 ­November, 2014 Premier Daniel Andrews said the State Government would reopen Swinburne Lilydale, and ensure that a TAFE provider returned to the site.

Premier Andrews said by saving TAFE and providing more funding to schools, Victorian education had a better future.

He said the State Government would provide:

  • $50 million to upgrade and build kinders across our state.
  • $510 million in our government schools for new and upgraded buildings.
  • $120 million to build and upgrade Catholic and Independent schools across the state.
  • $13.5 million into Foodbank, so it could establish breakfast clubs at 500 government primary schools and serve 25,000 children across the state.
  • $15.5 million to help struggling families buy school uniforms.
  • $500,000 for eye testing and glasses in 250 of the most disadvantaged schools across Victoria.
  • $150 million Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund, to cover the increasing cost of the trips and free up the family budget.

The State Government also plans to:

  • Establish 10 new Tech Schools across the state for students in Years 7 to 12. They will be focused on local industries and be run by local schools, TAFEs, universities and industries
  • $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund for campuses across the state, and re-open closed campuses, bailout stricken institutes and upgrade TAFE buildings, workshops, labs and classrooms.
  • Conduct a VET Funding Review to develop stable funding methods to improve Victoria’s training system, in consultation with public and private providers.
  • Crackdown on dodgy training providers who misuse public funds to grant meaningless certificates.