Removing Red Tape For Injured Victorians

Monday 16 October 2017

Victorians injured in transport accidents will no longer be out of pocket for health and medical treatment under proposed new legislation introduced into the Victorian Parliament today.

The new Bill proposes that people injured in transport accidents will no longer have to pay for the first $651 of their medical expenses before the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) covers their costs.

The ‘excess’ for medical services has long been confusing for people injured in transport accidents and their health providers, with research indicating it has led to delays in people receiving treatment and ultimately, their recovery.

More than 13,000 people injured in transport accidents each year are subject to this excess, potentially impacting their health and well-being.

The intent of the Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 is to remove this unnecessary hassle for injured Victorians and ensure they get the support services they are entitled to from the TAC.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Finance Robin Scott

“After an accident, the last thing people want to worry about it is out of pocket expenses. Sometimes, that $651 upfront payment stops people from seeking further treatment.”

“We’re removing red tape so all Victorians can get the support they need to get on with their recovery as soon as possible.”

“The less time injured Victorians have to spend managing bureaucracy the better.”

Quotes attributable to TAC CEO Joe Calafiore

“Research shows that this ‘medical excess’ has caused people to delay getting the treatment they need, ultimately delaying their recovery.”

“If passed through Parliament, this change will support the TAC to give people injured on our roads the best possible support when they need it.”