Relief for drivers on the Tullamarine Freeway

Thursday 3 May 2018

Drivers will have a faster, safer journey to and from Melbourne Airport thanks to the completion of another section of the CityLink Tulla Widening project.

Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities Paul Fletcher said new lanes would be opened progressively in each direction between Melbourne Airport and Melrose Drive.

“In addition to the new lanes, a separated road connecting the Tullamarine Freeway and the M80 Ring Road will ease congestion and reduce weaving and dangerous merging,” Mr Fletcher said.

“Passenger numbers at Melbourne airport are expected to double by 2033. Once the CityLink Tulla Widening project is complete there will be 30 per cent more capacity on this corridor and the future Melbourne Airport Rail Link will also deliver great benefits for travel times to the airport.”

With new lanes opening between the CityLink tunnels and Bulla Road in late 2017, Victorian Minister for Roads, Road Safety and Ports Luke Donnellan said motorists are already enjoying significant travel savings.

“During the morning peak, travel times have nearly halved, with drivers saving almost nine minutes between Bulla Road and the Bolte Bridge,” Mr Donnellan said.

“The number of inbound crashes on the Bolte Bridge has reduced by around 80 per cent since the new lanes opened.”

Senator for Victoria James Paterson said the CityLink-Tullamarine Freeway was one of the most heavily trafficked corridors in Melbourne and would only get busier.

“More than 200,000 vehicles travel along the CityLink-Tullamarine Freeway corridor every day and that’s projected to increase by 12 per cent by 2031,” Senator Paterson said.

“The benefits of this upgrade will be felt right across Melbourne, with a faster, smoother run to and from the airport, and a quicker and safer transition from the Tullamarine Freeway to the M80.”

Victorian Member for Sunbury Josh Bull says the new separated road would help the M80 interchange cope with current and future demand and result in a more reliable journey, whether you’re a local resident or travelling to the city or M80 from the airport.

“The Mickleham Road entrance and the M80 interchange have been struggling to cope with demand, with a high volume of merges at entry ramps causing heavy congestion during peak hours,” Mr Bull said.

“This upgrade will make it easier for drivers to access the Tullamarine Freeway or exit at the M80.”

The separated road features two lanes running parallel to the Tullamarine Freeway inbound from the Mickleham Road exit through to the M80 exits, both Altona and Greensborough bound, allowing drivers to merge safely onto the Ring Road.

The separated road and a new inbound lane between Melbourne Airport and Melrose Drive will open over the weekend. An additional outbound lane from Melrose Drive to the airport will open by the end of May.