Regional Police Taser Rollout Now Complete

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Police officers at 37 regional stations across the state now have access to specialist technology to respond to dangerous and high-risk incidents, due to the Andrews Labor Government’s ongoing work to give police the powers and resources they need to keep Victorians safe.

Victoria Police today completed its rollout of conducted energy devices, otherwise known as tasers, with frontline officers at Colac Police Station now equipped to carry and use the devices.

More than 570 tasers have now been rolled out across Victoria to general duties and highway patrol officers, who have undergone a two-day training course.

Frontline police in regional Victoria are often called on to resolve dangerous situations, with factors such as Ice and other drugs heightening risk to police and the community more broadly. In regional Victoria, general duty officers will always be the first responders to these kinds of high-risk incidents.

Minister for Police Lisa Neville said access to the new technology gives police in regional Victoria an additional non-lethal tactical option and broadens their capability to quickly and safely resolve these high-risk incidents .

There are strict processes in place to monitor and record the use of tasers, including automatic video recording when the devices are activated.

The Labor Government is giving police in regional Victoria the resources needed to fight crime and keep communities safe.

The Labor Government is upgrading police facilities, with dozens of police stations and police residences in regional Victoria being replaced or upgraded.

Two new regional forensic hubs also will help police to investigate and stop the spread of ice and other drugs, ensuring police no longer need to send evidence hours away to Melbourne for forensic testing.

Police and emergency services in regional Victoria will also gain access to the state’s digital radio network from 2018, eliminating key black spots and increasing the security of police communications.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Police across the regional areas now have access to the best technology to respond quickly and effectively to incidents, and keep local communities safe.”

“Ensuring police in regional Victoria are equipped with the resources they need is a priority for this Government.”

“This roll out of tasers builds on the our record $2 billion investment in police, which is delivering better facilities for regional officers, more police and stronger laws to target crime.”