Record Numbers Take Part In Premier’s Active April

Thursday 30 April 2015

A record 100,000 Victorians have improved their health and fitness, and picked up prizes as well for participating in Premier’s Active April.

The Andrews Labor Government’s month-long health and wellbeing initiative aimed at all Victorians encouraged families, friends, teams and schools to commit to 30 minutes’ physical activity every day. Participants could then log their minutes on an online activity tracker.

Participants achieved their goals in their own unique way, including walking the dog, riding a bike, swimming laps at their local aquatic centre or even with a game of backyard cricket. In the end, thousands of hours of exercise were logged.

Premier’s Active April has provided a month-long springboard for a healthy lifestyle for thousands of Victorians. Many stick to their healthier habits long after the month ends. This year, participants picked up a range of prizes, including 10 free passes to a participating YMCA or free tennis court hire at Melbourne Park.

More than 60 per cent of Australian adults are not meeting the recommended levels of physical activity, while 80 per cent of children aren’t exercising enough. Exercise is vital in reversing rates of obesity and diseases like Type 2 Diabetes that can come with being less active.

For more information on Premier’s Active April visit the Facebook or Twitter pages or

Quotes attributable to Minister for Sport, Tourism and Major Events, John Eren

“This year’s record numbers are proof Victorians are more conscious than ever about embracing a healthy lifestyle.”

“By committing to just 30 minutes exercise a day, participants have laid the foundations for a healthier life.”

Quotes attributable to Catherine Andrews, Premier’s Active April Ambassador

“Premier’s Active April participants have taken leaps and bounds towards a lifelong commitment to keeping healthy and active.”