Record Immunisation Coverage For Victorian Kids

Saturday 14 October 2017

Victoria has achieved its best ever immunisation coverage with nearly 95 per cent of 5-year old kids now protected against preventable and serious life-threatening diseases.

Latest figures from the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register show that 94.9 per cent of Victorian children in the age cohort are fully vaccinated, above the 94 per cent average across Australia.

That means Victoria has almost reached the 95 per cent ‘herd immunity’ target which is necessary to halt the spread of dangerous and virulent diseases such as measles. The more Victorians are vaccinated – the greater the protection for everyone.

Despite some people ignoring the science and spreading false information about immunisation, in Victoria our coverage has increased from 93 per cent in 2016, and from 94.5 per cent over the past three months.

But we can always do more, so today the Andrews Labor Government is boosting our successful Immunity for Community campaign to highlight the benefits of immunisation and the risks of not immunising. It features real stories of the lifesaving benefits of immunisation to not only individuals - but the community as a whole.

Our tough new law No Jab, No Play has promoted immunisation coverage, requiring all Victorian children to be fully vaccinated to attend childcare and kindergarten.

While parents finalise enrolments for childcare and preschool for next year, the campaign aims to remind them to vaccinate their children, and encourage those with questions or concerns to get advice from a medically qualified source, such as their GP.

We also released the popular app, VaxOnTime, which has already been downloaded 30,000 times. It helps busy parents keep track of their child’s immunisations. We know that about 20 per cent of parents forget when their child is due for a vaccination.

The Labor Government will continue to support the proven benefits of vaccination and we urge parents to ensure their children's vaccination is up to date. For more information or to download the VaxOn Time app visit:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“There is no debate around immunisation. The science is crystal clear: vaccinations are safe and save lives.”

“Our record vaccination rate is proof parents are not buying into the lies of irresponsible and dishonest rogues who tout misinformation about immunisation. They are a menace and put the health and safety of children at risk.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“Our No Jab No Play laws are working – and they are here to stay.”

“There is no excuse for not immunising your child. Immunising your child not only protects you and your family, but other children in the community.”