Protecting Police In The Line Of Duty

Wednesday 9 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government will introduce tough new laws in the coming weeks to protect our dedicated police and emergency service workers from violence and harm.

The Labor Government is working with Victoria Police and The Police Association of Victoria to develop comprehensive legislative reforms to crack down on offenders who harm, or seek to harm, a police officer or emergency services worker.

These measures will send a clear message that  conduct and behaviour that places police and emergency service workers in harm’s way will be held to a higher level of sanction.

As part of this suite of reforms, measures to specifically address incidents where offenders use motor vehicles to harm police and emergency service workers are being fast-tracked and will be introduced into Parliament in coming weeks.

These reforms are broader than just police car ramming, they will also cover those incidents where offenders  drive at a police officer who is not in a car.

The focus of these reforms is the safety of police officers and emergency service workers, not just  the protection of property or vehicles.

Consultation with Victoria Police and The Police Association will continue, to ensure that the new policy is comprehensive, thorough and informed by policing experts.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Any form of violence towards police or emergency service workers in the line of duty is abhorrent and absolutely unacceptable.”

“We will do whatever it takes to help protect police and emergency service workers, and to send an unequivocal message that any violence, or intended harm, will risk specific criminal sanctions.”

“We have been in ongoing discussions with Victoria Police and The Police Association to develop measures that are comprehensive and targeted to the real life scenarios facing our police force.”