In-Principle Agreement With Victorian Public Service Reached

Thursday 17 December 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has reached an in-principle agreement for a new Victorian Public Service (VPS) enterprise bargaining agreement – ensuring the state is equipped to progress the Government’s reform agenda.

Minister for Industrial Relations Natalie Hutchins today welcomed the four year deal, reached as part of negotiations with the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), which will see employees delivered 2.5% annual pay increases over the life of the agreement.

In exchange for improvements to management processes, culture, and workplace policies including misconduct and under performance, employees will also receive an additional 0.5% for service delivery improvements and 0.25% to deliver the Government's reform program.

Ms Hutchins said the agreement would delivering fairness and equity, helping to attract and retain talented staff.

It will ensure the workforce is able to progress the Government’s significant agenda, including the implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, the rollout of Victoria’s Regional Statement and programs to support the generation of jobs across the state.

Ms Hutchins said the agreement was an investment in the state’s public service and would ensure the workforce was delivering for Victorians.

The agreement seeks to return Victoria as the leader in policy and service delivery, repairing the damage inflicted under the former Liberal Government.

The in-principle agreement also reaffirmed the Labor Government’s commitment to providing leave for those affected by family violence.

As a heads of agreement has been reached, a range of operational matters will be resolved ahead of the deal being put to a vote of all workers.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industrial Relations Natalie Hutchins

“This agreement will ensure the people at the frontline of Victoria’s service delivery – like social workers, community corrections officers and housing workers – have a fair agreement that rewards service delivery improvements and reforms.”

“We are determined to return Victoria as the national leader in policy and service delivery.”

“That means we need to invest in our public service, as well as ensuring we can recruit and retain talented staff.”