Preventing Harm At The Pokies

Wednesday 30 November 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will review the current protection measures around electronic gaming machines in a push to better protect problem gamblers.

The review’s consultation paper, released today, is seeking feedback from community and industry on how regulations could be improved to better protect problem gamblers from the harm caused by gaming machines, including:

  • access to cash in gaming venues
  • cashless gaming and ticket-in, ticket-out systems
  • Responsible Gambling Codes of Conduct
  • self-exclusion programs
  • responsible service of gaming training
  • regional and municipal limits on gaming machine numbers.

The paper outlines existing measures that apply to gaming machines, as well as research on their effectiveness.

Feedback on the paper will help guide future protection measures for problem gamblers.

To view the consultation paper, visit

Submissions close on Monday 16 January 2017.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Gaming and Liquor Regulation Marlene Kairouz

“We can’t ignore the harm caused by gaming machines. This consultation is about putting people first by thoroughly reviewing the current rules to better protect problem gamblers.”

“A review of the rules and regulations covering gaming machines is long overdue. We’re seeking the right balance between protecting problem gamblers, and ensuring the current rules are up to date.”