Premier Announces Strong Team to Assist Ministers

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Twelve Parliamentary Secretaries will be appointed to work alongside Ministers in the Andrews Labor Government to help make our state stronger, fairer and better.

The Parliamentary Secretaries were chosen by the Premier. The team, which includes returning Members of Parliament with significant experience and newer faces with fresh ideas, consists of the following:

Colin Brooks MP Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier
Judith Graley MP Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier
Daniel Mulino MP Parliamentary Secretary for Treasury and Finance
Anthony Carbines MP Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment
Ben Carroll MP Parliamentary Secretary for Justice
Danielle Green MP Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism, Major Events and Regional Victoria
Sharon Knight MP Parliamentary Secretary for Human Services
Shaun Leane MP Parliamentary Secretary to the Special Minister of State, and Parliamentary Secretary for Transport
Hong Lim MP Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Asia Engagement
Frank McGuire MP Parliamentary Secretary for Medical Research
Mary-Anne Thomas MP Parliamentary Secretary for Health
Gabrielle Williams MP Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers

Quotes attributable to Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria

“Our diverse team of Parliamentary Secretaries includes men and women from the regions and the suburbs. They’ll work with Ministers to deliver on our promises and bring new ideas to the table.”

“They’ll get straight to work on our agenda – fixing schools and hospitals, creating jobs, saving TAFE and removing 50 of our most dangerous and congested level crossings.”

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