Powerline Program Making Whittlesea Safer

Thursday 12 February 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is making Whittlesea residents safer by replacing private overhead powerlines to reduce the risk of them falling to the ground and starting bushfires.

Hundreds of low voltage bare-wire private overhead powerlines are being replaced across the state as part of the Government’s $750 million Powerline Bushfire Safety Program.

165 private powerlines have already been replaced, representing 40 km of bare wire overhead lines in high risk areas that had the potential to start fires. Works are underway on a further 53 private powerlines, replacing an additional 10km of lines with the number set to increase over 2015.

The program is currently targeting broader regional Victoria in 16 local government areas including Whittlesea, and will see a further eight local government areas targeted by mid-2015.

The Powerline Bushfire Safety Program is also funding the replacement of high risk high-voltage powerlines using a range of safer technologies including insulated overhead powerlines, underground powerlines and other conductor technologies.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Lily D’Ambrosio

The Labor Government is working hard to make Victorian communities safer by replacing dangerous powerlines in high risk areas.”

“Here in Whittlesea and across the state we are replacing private overhead powerlines to prevent them falling to the ground and starting fires that could put the local community at risk.”

“This important work is part of the Government’s $750 million 10-year Powerline Bushfire Safety Program which will give Victoria the most bushfire safe power network in Australia.”