Police Agreement: A Fair Deal That Supports Police And Keeps Victorians Safe

Thursday 10 December 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has reached an in-principle agreement with The Police Association to resolve the Victoria Police and PSO enterprise agreement.

The Government recognises the unprecedented challenges police face in keeping our community safe and has moved quickly to deliver certainty for them. Under the four-year agreement police and PSOs will receive:

  • A base annual salary increase of 2.5 per cent a year in line with the government’s fair pay guide
  • An additional .5 per cent annual salary increase linked to service delivery improvements
  • Higher penalty rates for those who work between midnight Friday and midnight Sunday, and on public holidays

This agreement builds upon the commitment made by Victoria Police to foster an inclusive and respectful culture within the organisation.

It includes conditions recommended by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission in its report into sexual harassment and discrimination in Victoria Police, such as:

  • More emphasis on flexible work arrangements
  • Linking career progression to support of gender equality
  • Family violence and IVF leave conditions and provision for lactation breaks
  • A statement of intent on gender equity and diversity

Service improvements negotiated in the agreement will pave the way for major changes in the way that Victoria Police manages its workforce to meet the challenges of modern policing.

This includes building a culture that promotes excellence through expanded merit-based selection, strengthened leadership, and greater mobility between different locations.

The in-principle agreement will be presented to the workforce for endorsement.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Wade Noonan

“This EBA will give our hardworking police and PSOs the wages, conditions and job flexibility they need to keep our community safe.”

“Importantly, this agreement shows that Victoria Police and The Police Association are serious about gender equality.”

“The previous government dragged out negotiations with Victoria Police. We have delivered a record budget to Victoria Police, funded almost 700 additional police personnel and negotiated an enterprise agreement that recognises the hard work of our police and PSOs.”