Payroll Tax Relief To Grow Victoria’s Skilled Workforce

Wednesday 1 November 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is boosting Victoria’s skilled workforce by lowering the cost of employing apprentices and trainees.

The Payroll Tax Act 2007 introduced into Parliament this week will exempt Group Training Organisations (GTOs) that are run as for-profit organisations from paying payroll tax on apprentice and trainee wages.

Currently, the exemption only applies to not-for-profit organisations, not GTOs.

GTOs play a vital role employing Victorian apprentices and trainees. The changes will reduce costs and make it easier for them to employ apprentices.

Victorian businesses have this year received significant tax relief across the board, with measures from the Labor Government aimed at boosting businesses, and creating and supporting jobs.

Since July, Victoria’s regional businesses pay one of the lowest payroll tax rates in the nation.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“We’re making it easier for apprentices and trainees to get a start in their careers, to build the skilled workforce of the future and further boosting Victoria’s already strong economy.”

“Group Training Organisations are critical to Victoria’s job creation, paving the way for apprentices and trainees to find the jobs they want.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney

“This is a significant boost for our training industry. We know apprentices are the backbone of our training system and the future of our workforce.”

“It’s so important we continue to offer incentives to make it as easy as possible to employ apprentices and grow numbers to best deliver for jobs and our economy.”

Quotes attributable to Rick Winkworth Impact Apprentices

“This is a great initiative by the Labor Government and we’re so glad to have been part of the push that made it happen.”

“This will make it easier and cheaper for training organisations like ours to employ apprentices, ultimately leading to a more skilled workforce.”