Packaging Up Jobs And Investment For Victoria

Tuesday 26 June 2018

A global food packaging company has expanded its operations in Victoria, retained its local workforce and boosted its export capability as part of a multimillion dollar project supported by the Andrews Labor Government.

Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Employment Vicki Ward joined Member for Thomastown Bronwyn Halfpenny on a tour of the state-of-the-art dairy sack manufacturing line at Orora Limited.

The new $25 million manufacturing line at Orora’s Thomastown facility will enable the company to service global markets, secure 102 local jobs and employ several workers displaced from the automotive industry.

So far, the project has enabled Orora to generate additional sales and secure new contracts to export its products to countries like New Zealand and the United States.

Orora is an Australian publicly-listed company with operations in seven countries that manufactures and supplies packaging products and services to the grocery, fast moving consumer goods and industrial markets.

The company employs more than 1,100 people in manufacturing and distribution across 13 locations in Victoria, producing and supplying a wide range of packaging solutions – including boxes and cartons, bags and sacks, glass bottles and aluminium cans, and packaging materials and supplies.

Victorian manufacturing contributes $27.7 billion to the Victorian economy and is home to more than 13,000 businesses employing more than 286,000 people.

To date, the Labor Government has committed $120 million in manufacturing support, which is creating over 6,000 jobs and driving $1.6 billion in private investment.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Employment Vicki Ward  

“Because of our support – Orora has been able to secure its operations in Victoria, invest in new state-of-the-art equipment and continue to employ locals.”

“Companies like Orora bring together the very best of Victorian capability in food and advanced manufacturing, allowing locally grown products to be taken to the world.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Thomastown Bronwyn Halfpenny   

“Melbourne’s north is the hub of food innovation and this investment by Orora Limited is a great outcome for local industry and jobs.”

“We’ll continue supporting manufactures in Thomastown – they’re part of our areas DNA.”