Our Schools Went Backwards Under the Liberals

Thursday 5 February 2015

Under the former Liberal Government, the gap between the funding Victorian students receive compared to the rest of the country grew even wider, the Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services has confirmed.

By ripping $1 billion from the education system, the former Liberal Government left our school system drastically under-resourced with students suffering as a result of the cuts.

Under the Liberal Government’s watch, the gap between what our students receive compared to students in other states grew, increasing by 1.1 per cent for primary students between 2010-11 and 2012-13, and 1.4 per cent for secondary students between 2010-11 and 2012-13.

The former Liberal Government also failed to close the gap for Indigenous students, and in science, which helps young Victorians prepare for the jobs of the future.

Victoria’s retention rate for Indigenous students between Years 10 and 12 was 55 per cent, placing Victoria below the national average and below Queensland, South Australia and the ACT.

The Andrews Labor Government will rebuild our schools and help our kids get the best start in life.

We’ll build and upgrade schools across the state, including 8 new schools in outer suburban, high growth corridors, and we’ll help struggling parents with the costs of uniforms, breakfasts, camps, sport and excursions.

Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, James Merlino

“Victoria’s education system should be the pride of our state, but Liberal cuts took our schools backwards.”

“The gaps in literacy and numeracy results between our Koorie students and all other Victorian students are far too great.”

The Andrews Labor Government will invest in education, rebuild our schools and help our kids get the best start in life.”