Orchard Expansion To Bring Jobs To The Goulburn Valley

Wednesday 23 May 2018

A family owned and operated orchard in the Goulburn Valley is set to thrive, with funding announced today to expand, bringing new local jobs to the community.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford announced that Vigliaturo Orchards will receive a grant from the Andrews Labor Government that will see the company expand, upgrade and employ more people.

Vigliaturo Orchards is a family-owned business in Ardmona that grows, packs and markets apples, pears and stone fruits and has received support from the Labor Government under the Regional Jobs Fund.

The $1.8 million expansion of its fruit packing and export facility has created 12 new full time equivalent jobs.

The project has doubled the size of the packing facility, developed additional cold storage and controlled atmosphere capacity, and enabled the purchase and installation of digital grading and packing technology.

The expansion and new technology will increase the company’s daily fruit handling and packing capability from 100 bins to 180 bins.

The Labor Government is supporting projects through its investment funds dedicated to regional Victoria, which focusses on building critical infrastructure, creating jobs, investing in communities and supporting new and emerging industries.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“We’ve worked closely with this business to facilitate investment, which will create new jobs right in the Goulburn Valley.”

“More jobs mean wages for locals, more money in the local economy, and flow on benefits for the whole community.”

“We’re Investing in regional Victoria to ensure it continues to be a prosperous place to live, work and do business.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“The Andrews Labor Government is proud to invest in growing local jobs, and we’re delighted to make this investment in the Ardmona community. This is great news for Ardmona and the Goulburn Valley region.”