One Million People Engage With The Shrine Of Remembrance

Friday 11 March 2016

More than one million people engaged with the Shrine of Remembrance in 2015, the 100-year anniversary of the Gallipoli landings.

Every year, Victorians join visitors from all over Australia and the world in visiting the Shrine to pay their respects to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice at war for their country.

The Shrine of Remembrance is one of Victoria’s most iconic and treasured locations. Since 1934, visitors have congregated to remember the fallen, and to learn more about Australia’s story.

In 2015, one million people engaged with the Shrine at major ceremonies, school programs, touring exhibitions and the new Galleries of Remembrance.

In the year ending December 2015, approximately 725,000 visited the Shrine. A further 150,000 attended commemorative services, and 63,000 students participated in school educational tours. In total, about 300,000 more people engaged with the Shrine in 2015 than the year prior.

All Victorians deserve a chance to connect with the legacy of our veterans, no matter where they live. That’s why the Shrine’s touring exhibitions are so important.

The Australia Will Be There – Victorians in the First World War roadshow has been seen by more than 50,000 regional Victorians. The Indigenous Australians at War: From the Boer War to the Present has been seen by 100,000 people.

This year marks the 50 year anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan – one of the most extraordinary chapters in Australian military history – where 108 brave young men from D Company 6 RAR resisted an attack of more than 1500 Viet Cong soldiers.

Among the commemorative initiatives planned is a Vietnam Veterans Day march and commemorative service at the Shrine of Remembrance.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Veterans John Eren

“This milestone is proof Victorians are as engaged as ever with our nation’s wartime history. The Anzac Centenary meant so much to so many people.”

“The Shrine isn’t just Victoria’s most significant war memorial, it’s a part of our state’s fabric. It’s one of our key cultural and tourist destinations.”

“All Victorians deserve a chance to connect with the legacy of our veterans, no matter where they live.”

Quotes attributable to Shrine of Remembrance Trustees Chairperson Air-Vice Marshal Chris Spence AO

“Engaging 1 million people in 2015  as we commemorate Centenary of Anzac is a significant milestone of which the trustees, staff and volunteers are extremely proud.”

“The Shrine’s Galleries of Remembrance, school programs, touring exhibitions and commemorative services each play an important role in engaging and educating Victorians on the sacrifice and service of our servicemen and women.”