Next Historic Steps Towards Treaty

Tuesday 18 April 2017

The Victorian Aboriginal community will have their say on what their representative body will look like, at the next treaty forum on 28 April.

Under the leadership of the Aboriginal Treaty Interim Working Group (ATIGW), the Victorian Aboriginal community have been meeting over the last year to develop options for a representative body, ahead of further treaty discussions.

Since the meetings started 14 months ago, there have been three state-wide forums, with Aboriginal Victoria facilitating 12 community consultations across six locations, including Portland, Sale, Mildura, Echuca and Wodonga.

The forums have consulted over 1,000 members of the Victorian Aboriginal community, reflecting the strong interest in treaty and greater self-determination.

Advice from the historic forum will be key to any legislation or framework for treaty negotiations.

The forum will include a report from the ATIWG members, with speakers and panel discussions on the treaty process to date, ahead of a discussion of the make-up of the representative body.

The forum will be held on Friday, 28 April from 10am until 3.15pm at Plenary Hall, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

For more information and to register visit:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“This is a historic opportunity for the Victorian Aboriginal community. I’d encourage every community member to come along and have their say.”

“The Andrews Labor Government is committed to developing a treaty and working with Aboriginal Victorians to advance self-determination. That commitment hasn’t wavered.”

Quote attributable to Aboriginal Treaty Interim Working Group member Mick Harding

“The critical first step toward treaty is the creation of a representative body for Aboriginal Victorians. The Aboriginal Interim Working Group is eager to hear first-hand about what that will look like and how it will work.”