New Vision For World-Class Medical Research In Victoria

Monday 11 July 2016

The Andrews Labor Government today released a new $20 million plan to ensure Victoria continues to be a world leader in ground breaking health and medical research that is changing lives.

Healthier Lives, Stronger Economy: Victoria’s Health and Medical Research Strategy 2016-2020 outlines the Government’s key priorities over the next four years to support new and evolving fields of world-class medical research such as genomics, precision medicine, health services research and big data.

This is the first time in 10 years that a health and medical research strategy has been developed for Victoria.

Victoria is home to some of the world’s best clinicians, scientists and researchers – and through this new plan the Labor Government is supporting them to continue, and build on, their inspiring work.

The strategy will deliver better health outcomes for Victorians by quickly translating breakthroughs in health and medical research into clinical practice. It will also create jobs and drive economic growth across the state by investing in areas where Victoria can lead the world.

It details six priority areas which focus on how Victoria will develop the workforce of the future, integrate research, education and health, develop advanced convergence science, stimulate more industry engagement, attract more clinical trials and optimise big data and informatics.

In its first year, the strategy will invest in the coordination of clinical trials, $3 million through the Medical Research Acceleration Fund and $600,000 for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships.

The Government is delivering $150 million to build Australia’s first stand-alone cardiac hospital and $60 million to rebuild Orygen Youth Mental Health’s clinical and research facility in Parkville.

We are also investing in a $52 million to plan and develop a National Centre for Proton Beam Therapy, $25 million to develop a state-wide genomic sequencing program and have committed $60 million to the new Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery at St Vincent’s Hospital.

Breakthroughs in medical research are changing lives. Minister Hennessy today met with Heather Renton, who now has answers about her daughter’s rare genetic disorder thanks to the latest genetic sequencing technology at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

"With the best clinicians, scientists and researchers, our world-class biotechnology research institutes and famous Parkville precinct, Melbourne is a world leader in health and medical research – and this strategy will only make us stronger."

"This is about supporting our renowned researchers and institutions to develop and fast-track cutting-edge treatments and technology to change the lives of patients for the better."

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Medical Research Frank McGuire

"The new Health and Medical Research Strategy will identify future priorities in health and medical research, while creating jobs, economic growth and showcasing our achievements to the world."