New Secretary Appointed For DELWP

Wednesday 16 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has today appointed Mr John Bradley as the new Secretary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).

Mr Bradley brings a wealth of experience to the role, having previously served as Director General of the Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Director General of the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management.

Since 2013, Mr Bradley has served as CEO of Energy Networks Australia – the peak body representing Australia’s electricity transmission and distribution and gas distribution businesses.

Mr Bradley has also held senior positions with the Queensland Water Commission and the Western Australian Office of Energy. Mr Bradley has previously advised the International Monetary Fund and held several board directorships.

Mr Bradley has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Queensland and a Masters of Business Administration from the Queensland University of Technology.

Mr Bradley will commence in the role on 18 September 2017.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“I congratulate Mr Bradley on his appointment – he brings substantial knowledge of the contemporary energy environment to the role and has vast experience in environmental management.”

“I also thank Adam Fennessy for his leadership of DELWP and the contribution he has made to Victoria during his 20 years in the public sector.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“I look forward to working with Mr Bradley as we continue creating liveable, inclusive and sustainable communities across Victoria.”

“Mr Bradley’s extensive public and private sector experience will be a significant asset for DELWP, as well as the wider Victorian Public Service."