New Energy Partnership To Drive Greener Museums

Thursday 2 March 2017

Museums Victoria, Australia’s largest public museums organisation is turning green through an innovative energy management partnership with Siemens and the Andrews Labor Government.

The partnership will see Museums Victoria:

  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35 per cent – equivalent to taking 6,000 cars off the road
  • reduce its water usage by 6 per cent – equivalent to the capacity of 75 swimming pools
  • reduce electricity costs by 32 per cent – enough to power 1264 homes

The Labor Government’s Greener Government Buildings program selected global engineering company Siemens to bring the latest energy and environmental efficiency technology to Melbourne Museum, the World-Heritage listed Royal Exhibition Building, Scienceworks, the Immigration Museum and two storage facilities.

The buildings program, reintroduced by the Labor Government last year, will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25,000 tonnes each year and slash the energy use of government buildings.

The initiative will improve Museums Victoria’s sustainability efforts through the installation of new LED lighting, chillers and water systems. In addition, a co-generation unit on the roof of the Melbourne Museum will enable Museums Victoria to produce its own cleaner energy supplies.

Under the agreement, the Labor Government financed the up-front cost of the $11 million energy contract. Museums Victoria will repay the cost within seven years using the energy savings.

The Labor Government continues to demonstrate leadership in climate change action.  Last week it legislated for net zero emissions with the successful passage of the Climate Change Bill.

Research by Sustainability Victoria shows that 93% of Victorians want the state government to take action on climate change, and 84% support the Andrews Labor Government’s renewable energy targets of 25% by 2020 and 40% by 2025.

Quote attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“This is an exciting partnership that highlights the innovative ways we can help drive down emissions. Working together we can deliver a cleaner, healthier future for all Victorians.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Finance Robin Scott

“This will make a real difference. Not just for the environmental benefits, but proving there are ways we can think outside the box and work together with other partners to achieve environmental targets.”

Quote attributable to Museums Victoria’s CEO Ms Lynley Marshall

‘’Museums Victoria, together with the Victorian Government and Siemens is now making a significant contribution to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability for future generations. ’’