New Data Reveals Average Council Rates Rises Of 5.99%

Sunday 18 October 2015

New data has revealed that Victorians have faced an average rate increase of almost 6 per cent every year for the last decade.

Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins said the state-wide average rate increase of 5.99% was an unfair and unsustainable burden for Victoria's ratepayers.

Ms Hutchins said that while many councils had kept their annual rate increases much lower, the average figure showed that some councils were failing to deliver adequate value for money.

The new data underscores the need for the Andrews Labor Government's Fair Go Rates cap, which will cap council rate increases from 2016-17.

As committed before the election, the cap will ensure councils are more open and accountable with their budgets and will give ratepayers a greater say.

Ms Hutchins said the Fair Go Rates cap reflected the Labor Government’s agenda to reform the local government sector, including a review of the Local Government Act and an overhaul of council governance standards.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins

"An average rate increase of almost 6 per cent year after year for the last decade is unsustainable and it’s unfair."

"Victorians expect greater value, more of a say, and a better understanding of the work their councils are doing - and it’s something the Andrews Labor Government expects too."

"Our Fair Go Rates cap won’t cut existing budgets and it won’t stop councils providing much-needed services and facilities. What it will deliver is greater value for money and councils that listen and respond to the needs of their community."