New Communities To Ease Housing Demand And Create Jobs

Thursday 20 December 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is boosting land supply and making housing more affordable, with two new communities in Melbourne’s north-west.

Newly approved communities of Sunbury South and Lancefield Road will provide 19,000 homes and 6,000 jobs close to schools, trains and upgraded roads.

This fulfils the Labor Government’s commitment to ensure a 15-year land supply by planning for an additional 100,000 lots to deliver affordable new housing and high-quality jobs.

The communities will be developed gradually over a 20-year period, with about 1,000 new houses expected to be built in the next five years.

The new communities are located over 2,800 hectares of land with almost 40 per cent open space including a new regional park, a new conservation network along the Jacksons Creek corridor and a reserve at Redstone Hill.

Plans include four local town centres, health and emergency service facilities, six new primary schools, two secondary schools, and one prep-to-12 school.

Land has been set aside for two future train stations, two new bridge crossings of Jacksons Creek and three grade-separated road crossings of the rail line.

These plans are part of the Labor Government’s Homes for Victorians strategy to unlock land and provide affordable new homes in well-planned communities. All land is within the Urban Growth Boundary and was reserved for urban development a decade ago.

Infrastructure Contributions Plans ensure developers contribute to local infrastructure such as roads, parks and community facilities, while Growth Areas Infrastructure Contributions paid by landowners contribute to state infrastructure such as schools, emergency services and public transport.

Details can be viewed at the Victorian Planning Authority website

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier Tim Pallas

“We said we’d deliver an additional 100,000 lots, and we’ve got it done.”

“This increase in supply is also a boost to the construction industry, creating jobs in the growth corridors, as well as in established suburbs.”

“This will ensure there is plenty of new housing coming to market to stay ahead of population growth and make new homes close to jobs, services and schools as affordable as possible.”