New Appointment To The Supreme Court

Monday 21 March 2016

Attorney-General Martin Pakula today announced the appointment of Mary-Jane Ierodiaconou to the Supreme Court as an Associate Judge.

Ms Ierodiaconou’s appointment fills the vacancy created by the appointment of the Honourable Justice Rita Zammit as a judge of the Trial Division of the Supreme Court.

Ms Ierodiaconou has worked as a litigator, workplace investigator and nationally accredited mediator for more than 19 years.

Since 2005, she has worked for leading law firm Justitia, where she is a founding partner, and current Managing Partner.

In 2013, the Law Institute of Victoria recognised Justitia as Law Firm of the Year. The Commonwealth Government also listed Justitia as one of the top 10 pro bono contributors in 2013-14.

Ms Ierodiaconou completed a Bachelor of Laws with Honours and a Master of Laws at the University of Melbourne in 1995 and 2005 respectively.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Martin Pakula

“Ms Ierodiaconou boasts an impressive portfolio spanning many different areas of law and has been recognised for her expertise in managing complex litigation.”

“I congratulate Ms Ierodiaconou on her well-deserved appointment, and look forward to her continued contribution to Victoria’s justice system.”