Ned Kelly Childhood Home Restored In Boost To Beveridge

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Ned Kelly’s childhood home, built by his father John ‘Red’ Kelly, will be restored as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s record investment into state heritage funding.

Minister for Planning Richard Wynne and Member for Yan Yean, Danielle Green announced $1 million in funding for the home on Kelly Street, Beveridge.

John Kelly was an Irish convict sent to Tasmania for stealing two pigs, and following his seven year sentence, he found work around Donnybrook and Kilmore. He built the Kelly family home in 1860, when Ned was five years old.

Historians have found the home is significant because its construction is similar to a traditional Irish cottage, while other elements, such as bush poles, roof detailing, shingles, guttering and a lack of eaves make it unique.

A Heritage Victoria audit found the property needs urgent stabilisation works as the structure is slumping, verandah posts are rotting and downpipes and guttering no longer work.

Heritage Victoria will oversee the restoration works, drawing on traditional trade skills and finishes to protect and enhance the integrity of the property.

The home will become part of a local heritage trail which has been drafted by the Victorian Planning Authority as part of a broader precinct structure plan for land north of Beveridge.

The precinct structure plan covers 290 hectares of land north of Beveridge, which will one day be home to 10,000 people living in about 3500 homes.

Consultation will begin in November for the plans, which include a heritage trail around the Kelly House Park, shops, sports fields and will be near the future Merrifield Business Park, with railway access from future stations planned for Lockerbie and Beveridge.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

“John Kelly built this home from what he could find in the bush and it represents an extraordinary and controversial part of Victoria’s history, the story of his outlaw son, Ned.”

“This year, we delivered $20 million in heritage funding, because we see the value in maintaining irreplaceable historic assets for people to experience.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green

“Victoria’s history is a big drawcard for tourists and Ned Kelly’s story has become part of Australian folklore, with our support it will become a national heritage destination.”

“At the same time, we’re making sure future development around the Kelly House involves the community and I encourage people to join in the VPA’s upcoming consultation.”