Moving More Freight By Rail In The Wimmera

Monday 11 July 2022

The Andrews Labor Government is moving more freight onto rail and taking more trucks off local roads in the Wimmera through the Mode Shift Incentive Scheme (MSIS).

Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne today visited the SCT Logistics Intermodal Freight Terminal in Dooen – where more than 15,000 containers of hay, grain and pulses are moved by rail per annum on the service which runs three days per week.

The freight terminal – which is on the Melbourne-Adelaide standard gauge rail line – is one of four terminal operators to receive incentives to move containers by rail and will benefit from a further $3.5 million allocated in the Victorian Budget 2022/23 to extend the MSIS until 30 June 2023.

The MSIS is an incentive program to shift containerised freight from roads onto rail and provides support to rail freight companies to make the cost of transporting goods on rail more competitive.

It will support around 20 jobs at the freight terminal and reduce truck congestion at the Port of Melbourne.

An average 1000m-long intermodal service from Dooen to the Port of Melbourne carries about $2.5 million worth of produce and carries the equivalent amount of freight to 70 trucks.

Across regional Victoria, the MSIS is supporting more than 170 freight industry jobs at intermodal terminals and removes the equivalent of 28,000 truck trips from the state’s roads every year.

The MSIS is one of many initiatives the Labor Government is backing to get more freight onto rail – including the improvements to the regional freight network, the Port Rail Shuttle Network, the Port Rail Transformation Project and planning for an intermodal terminal in Melbourne’s west.

The Port Rail Transformation Project will equip the Port to handle the new Port Rail Shuttle Network (PRSN) and regional intermodal freight trains – bringing produce by rail directly to the docks.

Quotes attributable for Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne

“We’re continuing to move more freight by rail and taking more trucks off local roads through the Mode Shift Incentive Scheme – and it’s great to see it extended until June next year.”

“This scheme benefits the entire community – especially in the Wimmera – making it easier to get products to our ports and supports industry through cost-effective movement of freight.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford

“We’re moving more freight more efficiently and taking more trucks off local roads through this scheme – keeping the Wimmera connected and making it easier for products to be transported to our ports.”

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