More Skills And More Jobs With A Stronger TAFE System

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is rescuing and rebuilding our TAFE and training system so all Victorians can get the skills they need to get the jobs they want.

$350 million is being invested to rebuild Victoria’s struggling TAFE system, help them run the courses that businesses need and reach out to young people who are at risk of dropping out of the economy.

In the middle of a youth unemployment crisis, the previous Liberal Government cut funds from Victorian TAFEs, forcing many campuses to close their doors and turn young people away.

The 2015-16 Victorian Budget provides $300 million to complete the full TAFE Rescue Fund to help institutes across the state reopen closed campuses, bring in new students, upgrade workshops and classrooms and get back into the black.

$20 million from this Fund has already been fast-tracked to secure the financial future of seven struggling TAFEs that were on the brink of collapse.

The previously announced $50 million TAFE Back To Work Fund will help campuses meet the needs of local employers, creating new training courses to give local students the skills they need for the jobs they want.

The Budget also provides $8 million to establish a new Office of the Victorian Skills Commissioner, which will provide advice on the training market, identifying where skills are needed and where jobs are growing.

Local Learning and Employment Networks will receive $32 million to support vulnerable young people who have dropped out of school and can’t get work. They need a helping hand to get back on track.

The Budget also provides $2 million over four years to support the General Sir John Monash Foundation to offer a new scholarship category for Victorians.

The new General Sir John Monash Scholarship will provide up to $180,000 per student to pursue post-graduate study overseas for up to three years.

International education is Victoria’s number one export, and the Budget provides $4 million to support International Student Welfare Grants to keep the industry strong and sound.

Organisations helping international students overcome social isolation, and consumer, housing and education problems, will have the opportunity to apply for grants up to $50,000.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert  

“TAFEs mean skills and skills mean jobs.”

“We’re helping the next generation of Victorian workers get the skills they need for the jobs they want.”

“Under the Liberals, TAFEs struggled to survive, but under a Labor Government, they have the chance to thrive.”