More Public Sector Jobs For People With Disability

Tuesday 9 October 2018

More Victorians living with disability will be supported to create a meaningful career in the public sector, as part of the state’s first disability employment action plan launched today.

Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley said the Getting to work action plan was the Victorian Public Sector’s blueprint for creating safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces free from discrimination.

The plan includes attraction, recruitment, retention and progression strategies for people with disability, as well as ways to support prospective and existing employees with disability and their managers.

Getting to work outlines 21 actions the government will take to lift the number of people with disability working in the public sector from four percent to six percent by 2020, and then to 12 percent by 2025, as part of a commitment in Every opportunity: Victorian economic participation plan for people with disability 2018–20.

Initiatives include more pathways into the public sector for people with disability, equal access to flexible work arrangements for people with disability, and disability awareness and confidence training for more employees.

As one of the state’s largest employers, the Victorian Government is a leader in the employment of people with disability, who bring valuable experience to the workplace and are motivated, reliable, and productive.

For more information, or to read a copy of the plan, visit the Victorian Public Sector Commission website at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

“We all want to do meaningful work that matters, and this plan will ensure more people with disability have greater access to employment opportunities.”

“We are leading by example and removing employment barriers to help more people with disability to work in flexible and sustainable roles within the public sector.”