More Lives Changed Thanks To Jobs Victoria

Wednesday 8 November 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is helping more long-term jobseekers into meaningful work through the flagship Jobs Victoria program.

Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll and Member for Essendon Danny Pearson today visited JC’s American Bar and Grill in Moonee Ponds to celebrate the placement of 430 Victorians into jobs in Melbourne’s north.

JC’s American Bar and Grill recently hired long-term jobseekers through Jobs Victoria partners CVGT Australia and Banksia Gardens.

Father of two Silvio Martelli has been employed as the restaurant’s head chef after a battle with throat cancer kept him out of the workforce for four years.

Mr Martelli is delighted with the opportunity to work again and mentor young people trying to better their own lives.

CVGT Australia and Banksia Gardens have together helped more than 180 people into jobs across Melbourne’s north and Bendigo.

The Labor Government’s $68 million Jobs Victoria employment program is breaking down barriers to employment by linking jobseekers with the support services they need.

Jobs Victoria has already placed more than 2200 long-term jobseekers into work – with a goal of supporting 5,000 long-term jobseekers into sustainable jobs.

The Victorian-first JobsBank will also provide a dedicated jobs pipeline for Victoria’s most disadvantaged jobseekers.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll

“Every Victorian deserves an opportunity to contribute to the workplace, and that really strikes at the heart of Jobs Victoria.”

“These programs are linking jobseekers to the right services so they can get the right jobs.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Essendon Danny Pearson

“JC’s American Bar and Grill joins a long list of employers in Melbourne’s north who have changed the lives of long-term jobseekers.”

“Jobs Victoria is ensuring no Victorian gets left behind.”