More jobs for Victorians, more support for businesses

Tuesday 2 May 2017

The Andrews Labor Government will build on record jobs growth by creating more jobs for Victorians, attracting new investment, and growing the businesses and industries of the future.

The Victorian Budget 2017/18 boosts the Labor Government’s flagship programs to bring new businesses to Victoria, help existing businesses expand, and create new jobs.

A $90 million investment will help create and retain jobs in priority industry sectors including manufacturing and aviation. For the first time, funding will also be available to manufacturers and businesses to help manage the impacts of a volatile national gas market.

The cash injection will boost the Government’s successful Investment Assistance and Attraction Program, building on the significant $116 million investment in the Victorian Budget 2016/17, which has helped bring over 11 000 jobs to our state. This is on top of the 50 000 jobs created in Victoria thanks to the Government’s massive infrastructure program.

Already that fund has attracted big names like David Jones and e-commerce giant Alibaba Group to Victoria.

The Labor Government will ensure automotive workers and communities in transition aren’t left behind with $4.4 million to support retrenched workers.

Businesses investing in new manufacturing and technologies will receive $5 million through the Future Industries Manufacturing Program.

An additional $10 million for the Local Industry Fund for Transition initiative to provide further support to communities in Melbourne's north, west and south-east and Geelong affected by the end of automotive manufacturing.

We’re getting workers ready for future jobs too, with $1.5 million to support the acceleration of the Government’s Construction Technologies Sector Strategy to support construction manufacturing and the use of new technologies.

Better work outcomes for Victorians of all backgrounds will continue to be front and centre with nearly $6 million in support our thriving social enterprise sector – using government projects to increase skills and create jobs.

Since the Andrews Labor Government was elected in November 2014, more than 216 000 new jobs have been created in Victoria.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“We will do everything in our power to support Victorian workers – that means protecting and creating jobs.”

“Our investments will ensure Victorians of all backgrounds have opportunities in the workplace, and businesses and industries can continue to flourish.”