More Childcare Places For Ringwood East Families

Wednesday 26 September 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is providing more families with access to early learning places following the expansion of Ringwood East’s EACH Integrated Children’s Centre.

Minister for Early Childhood Education Jenny Mikakos today visited the centre to open the first stage of its redevelopment, which has increased the number of 4-year-old kinder places from 22 to 33, while also boosting childcare places from 90 to 122.

The centre now also has a commercial quality kitchen, new spacious rooms with play areas and beautifully landscaped outdoor areas, including an Aboriginal art installation.

This expansion is the first stage of a major redevelopment project, which will also include a new family hub on-site to provide integrated child and family services as part of the second stage.

The second stage will provide rooms for Maternal and Child Health services, an expanded dental clinic, as well as family, counselling, Aboriginal health and refugee health services.

The Labor Government provided a $1.6 million major grant towards the centre through the Children’s Facilities Capital Program.

It is part of the Government’s record $123.6 million to build, expand and improve early years infrastructure across Victoria to ensure local families can continue to access great local kindergartens.

It has led to an additional 8,250 kindergarten places for 3- and 4-year-olds, as well as hundreds of new and revamped early learning facilities and playgroups since 2014.

Ringwood families are also benefitting from the Government’s $202.1 million Education State Early Childhood Reform Plan, which provides strong support in early childhood, so kids are ready for kinder, ready for school and ready for life.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Early Childhood Education Jenny Mikakos

“This exciting expansion of EACH Integrated Children’s Centre is providing more families with access to local early learning options.”

“Children are already benefiting from these upgraded facilities and once completed, the redeveloped integrated centre will be a real asset the whole community can enjoy.”

Quote attributable to Member for Eastern Metropolitan Shaun Leane

“A world class facility and easy access to kinder and childcare is what every Victorian child deserves. It is fantastic to know local families will reap the benefits of these upgrades – and those currently underway.”