Managing Fruit Fly In The Goulburn Valley Gets A Shot In The Arm

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is helping local communities manage fruit fly in Victoria’s key horticultural areas with new regional coordinators and a series of grants.

The $6.7 million Managing Fruit Fly – Regional Grants Program will see a coordinated and collaborative approach to fruit fly management across the Greater Sunraysia, the Yarra Valley and the Goulburn Murray Valley.

Grants of more than $1 million have been approved for the appointment of three regional coordinators, and more than $261,000 will fund an extensive trapping program in the Goulburn Murray Valley.

Additional grant funding for other fruit fly programs within the regions is currently being assessed.

Fruit flies pose a significant threat to Victoria’s growing horticulture industry, disrupting production and trade worldwide.

Species such as Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) are present in Victoria and need effective management to reduce their impact.

In the three regions, Regional Action Plans have been developed collaboratively by local Fruit Fly Regional Governance Groups comprising of industry, state and local government and the community to manage fruit fly.

The grants will support the delivery of the Regional Action plans aligned to the State Government’s Managing Fruit Fly Action Plan 2015-2020.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Managing fruit fly is everyone’s responsibility and the new Goulburn Valley Regional Coordinator will coordinate industry and community efforts so we can get the best result.”

“Horticulture exports are growing fast, up 26 per cent in the last year. Managing fruit fly numbers is so important for Goulburn Valley growers wanting to export their fruit to the world.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“Fruit flies have posed a significant risk to growers in our Goulburn Murray Valley Region recently, so this additional $261,000 for trapping specifically will go a long way to help us combat this pest.”

Quote attributable to Goulburn Murray Valley Fruit Fly Chair Doug Brown

“This is a positive step forward to have  someone locally based to coordinate the fruit fly control program and will provide some valuable information to base next seasons control program on.”