Lights Up Sport At Mount Moriac

Friday 5 October 2018

The community of Mount Moriac has been given a sporting boost with the Andrews Labor Government announcing $650,000 in grants to upgrade local sporting facilities.

Minister for Sport John Eren today announced that new lighting will be installed at Mount Moriac Recreation Reserve thanks to $250,000 from the Community Sports Infrastructure Fund, and a new female friendly pavilion will be built thanks to $400,000 from the Female Friendly Facilities Fund.

All three netball courts and the football ground will be given competition standard lighting providing the Modewarre Football Netball Club with more capacity and flexibility to schedule training and matches. The second oval will also have drainage and irrigation installed to create a more stable and usable surface.

The Modewarre Football Netball Club and Modewarre Cricket Club are frequent users of the two ovals at Mount Moriac Reserve, however the lighting of the main oval is substandard and the ground surface of the second oval is poor.

The Barwon Valley Pony Club will also benefit by having its old pavilion redeveloped to feature female friendly and fully accessible change rooms, improved storage and administration and event spaces.

These funding packages are part of the Andrews Government’s strong commitment to sports and active recreation, encouraging all Victorians to get out there and get active.

Across Victoria we've invested more than $420 million in community sport and recreation facilities, and earlier this year provided almost half a billion dollars in the Victorian Budget 2018/19 to support sport and active recreation at all levels.

Minister Eren acknowledged Bass Coast Shire Council, Barwon Valley Pony Club, Modewarre Football Netball Club and Modewarre Cricket Club for their financial contribution to the projects.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Sport John Eren

“Growing numbers of boys and girls, men and women are signing up to play sport at local clubs, however many clubs are struggling with inadequate facilities.”

“We want all Victorians to have access to high quality facilities regardless of age, gender or location.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“These improvements at Mount Moriac Reserve will provide more opportunities for the growing local community to get active and play the sports they love.”

Quote attributable to Head of Office for Women in Sport and Recreation Dr Bridie O’Donnell

“We want to support women and girls so their experiences are the same as boys and men and the provision of female friendly facilities and lighting is a big step in the right direction.”