Life Saving Equipment For Key Country Clubs

Thursday 2 July 2015

Key country racing clubs will be provided with life-saving technology to protect the safety of patrons, trainers and staff, thanks to the bolstered Victorian Racing Industry Fund.

Visiting Kyneton Race Club today, Minister for Racing, Martin Pakula, announced that the Kyneton Racing Club will be one of 20 key racing and training centres to receive a defibrillator.

The supply of these defibrillators can save lives, enabling treatment to be administered immediately while waiting for paramedics or medical professionals to arrive.

The Andrews Labor Government is providing $16,950 in collaboration with Racing Victoria which will provide a further $16,950 to fund the purchase of defibrillation equipment.

Victoria is the proud leader of Australian racing, generating more than $2.8 billion in economic activity and supporting more than 26,500 full time jobs.

The racing industry in regional Victoria alone generates more than $940 million for the Victorian economy and helps sustain over 9,250 full time equivalent jobs locally.

The VRIF returns unclaimed wagering dividends and on-course wagering taxes back to the industry and allows the three racing codes, racing clubs and other key stakeholders to have a say in growing Victorian racing.

It funds projects and initiatives at tracks across Victoria, supporting jobs, improving animal and participant safety, increasing integrity measures and boosting the racing experience for racegoers.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Racing, Martin Pakula

“This new medical equipment is vital to help Victorian racing clubs live up to the duty of care they owe to their staff and patrons.”

“Defibrillators don’t cost much and take little maintenance but serve a priceless purpose.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas

“Equipping country venues with defibrillators could potentially be the difference between life and death in an emergency situation.”

“Thoroughbred racing in regional Victoria and outer Melbourne attracts attendances of more than 640,000 each year.  The health and safety of those visitors is a high priority.”