Liberals Put Regional Roads Victoria On The Chopping Block

Wednesday 8 August 2018

The Liberals and Nationals have revealed plans to cut the regional roads budget, dismantling a new dedicated rural division of VicRoads that will oversee the Andrews Labor Government’s record investment in country roads.

David Hodgett has thrown the future of Regional Roads Victoria into jeopardy, quoted in today’s Weekly Times saying they will “assess what value they (RRV) are adding” – Liberal code for cutting jobs and vital services.

This is what the Liberals and Nationals do when given the chance – they cut funding, sack staff and close vital services. When last in Government they sacked 450 VicRoads staff and slashed country road maintenance funding.

The Labor Government is establishing Victoria’s first dedicated country roads body to make sure regional communities have the safe and reliable roads they deserve.

It beggars belief why the Liberals want to axe a body that will fix the country roads that need it most, while boosting safety, reducing congestion and supporting local jobs and businesses.

Based in Ballarat and overseen by a Chief Regional Roads Officer, Regional Roads Victoria will solely focus on repairing and maintaining roads in regional communities – kicking off in September.

The Labor Government has doubled road maintenance spending and in this year’s budget invested $941 million to maintain and upgrade regional roads across the state.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan

“The Liberals and Nationals have made it clear that if given the chance they will sack staff, slash funding and close vital services.”

“They just can’t help themselves. Regional Roads Victoria isn’t even open yet and already they are trying to sack staff and cut funding to regional communities.”

“Cutting funding is in the Liberals’ DNA. When they were last in government they sacked 450 VicRoads staff and gutted country roads funding.”