Liberals’ Plan To Increase Power Prices By 25 Per Cent

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy's desperate plan for a staged closure of Hazelwood power station would lead to Victorian families paying an extra 25 per cent for their energy bills according to independent modelling by Frontier Economics.

Mr Guy’s plan comes despite Engie confirming that a staged closure for Hazelwood is not and was never an option, with the plant requiring at least $400 million for backlog maintenance just to stay open.

Engie made their decision because the French Government is divesting out of brown coal assets and the costs involved in keeping the power plant and mine safe for workers.

Modelling commissioned by the Andrews Labor Government predicted that Engie's decision to close Hazelwood would have an impact on Victorian household electricity prices of between 4-8 per cent, which has proven to be true.

The AEMC (Australian Energy Market Commission) has confirmed that prices in Victoria will fall in 2018/19 because of more renewable energy coming online thanks to the Labor Government’s Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET).

Today is yet another example that the Coalition have no idea when it comes to keeping power prices down for Victorian families, alongside their complete contempt for the Latrobe Valley during these tough times.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“Matthew Guy should stop peddling false hope to the Latrobe Valley communities. This is pure desperation from the Coalition who abandoned the community when they needed them the most during the Hazelwood mine fire. ”

“Under the Coalition’s plan, Victorian families would be slugged an extra 25 per cent for their power prices, at a time when many people are doing it tough.”

“Unlike the Coalition we will continue to stand up for the Latrobe Valley and give them the support they need during these difficult times, not more hot air and false hope.”