Liberals Lurch To The Extreme Right Continues

Thursday 26 April 2018

The Victorian Liberal Party’s lurch to the extreme right continues, with revelations today that the party wanted to import Donald Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, to run its state election campaign.

As Chief of Staff, Mr Priebus’ main achievement was to repeal President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, meaning millions of low income Americans would miss out on desperately needed healthcare.

Mr Priebus was also the key architect of President’s Trump’s plan to ram through tax cuts for the richest of the rich – meaning the top 0.1 per cent of Americans would receive an average tax cut of $193,000 each year.

Reince Priebus would fit right into the Victorian Liberals – who when they were last in Government cut $1 billion out of our hospitals, went to war with our paramedics, and ripped $1 billion out of schools.

At a time when Malcolm Turnbull and the Federal Liberal Government are cutting more than $2 billion from Victorian hospitals, the last thing Victoria needs is Matthew Guy and his Liberals importing American-style health care – where your credit card is more important than your Medicare card.

With the Liberals, if it’s not lobsters with alleged mobsters, it’s a chump from President Trump.

Matthew Guy – the mobsters’ mate – must come out today and immediately rule out appointing Mr Priebus as his key election lieutenant.