Liberals Flip Flop On Youth Justice

Sunday 9 February 2020

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has been caught out flip flopping on youth justice.

Just days after the Liberals said they support Labor’s plan to build a new purpose built Youth Justice facility, Mr Guy is now backtracking by suggesting Parkville or Malmsbury should be retrofitted.

Last Friday, Shadow Minister for Families and Children Georgie Crozier put out a press release saying she supported “a Youth ‘Supermax’ prison for repeat violent offenders.”

But today, Mr Guy backed away from the idea, saying: “I’m still a bit perplexed as to why we need to build an entirely new facility.”

This flip flop shows yet again that the Liberals are more interested in playing politics than reforming a system they left in tatters.

The Liberals shelved a master plan for a new facility, despite an Ombudsman’s report in 2010 making clear that Parkville wasn’t fit for purpose.

The Liberals also cut the number of youth justice workers, along with around 600 staff from the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Andrews Labor Government is making the changes necessary to reform the Youth Justice System, including giving Corrections Victoria staff the equipment they need to keep Youth Justice Facilities secure and the community safe.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The Liberals have been caught out flip flopping on youth justice, proving once again they care more about playing politics than fixing the youth justice system they left in tatters.”

“One day they support a new youth justice facility, the next they backtrack and want to retrofit Parkville.”

“The Government’s plan is clear: we will build a new, fit-for-purpose youth justice facility to keep young offenders secure and the community safe.”