Labor Government Investment In Schools Getting Results

Tuesday 1 August 2017

New NAPLAN data released today shows the Andrews Labor Government’s record investment in the state’s schools is boosting student performance across almost every learning area.

The preliminary 2017 NAPLAN results show the proportion of Victorian students in the top bands for numeracy and reading has increased across almost all tested year levels.

Victoria’s mean scale score increased in reading (years three, five and seven), spelling (years five and seven), grammar and punctuation (year three, seven and nine) and numeracy (years three, seven and nine).

Victoria is now leading the country across many of the test areas including reading, numeracy and writing.

The results come after the massive $566 million funding boost to schools that need it most, providing extra resources and expertise to get the best out of students who need more support.

Since the funding started flowing last year, more than 2,800 staff have been added to Victorian government schools – including 1,600 teachers and 1,200 support staff like speech pathologists, literacy and numeracy coaches and social workers.

This is on top of $456.6 million in the Victorian Budget 2017/18 to meet the ongoing needs of students and teachers, including $50.7 million in Turnaround Teams to help lift results in underperforming schools.

The Labor Government is ensuring our kids get high quality, motivated teachers in every classroom, with the introduction of a minimum ATAR for Year 12 entry into undergraduate teaching courses to 70 from 2019 – starting at 65 in 2018.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“This data shows our huge investment is Victoria’s schools is making a real difference – building better facilities, boosting teachers and support staff, and improving student results.”

“The number of kids doing better in numeracy and reading is increasing, and we’ll keep investing to ensure results continue to improve.”

“We are supporting programs that help students catch up in literacy and numeracy, and enabling schools to offer electives that keep kids engaged.”